Monday, November 29, 2010

Even though I seem to be growing hair everywhere but on the top of my head, it still is necessary about ever 5 weeks to head down to the Barber Shop. This is about a mile from our abode. I walk down. Great walk, actually.

Location: 46.729597,-117.177251
One of the things I'm exploring is heading back to school to obtain my Masters. Today I'm down at the Terrell Library studying Statistics. I've signed up for an on-line course. It is easiest for me to be at the library to absorb the material.

Location: 46.731044,-117.163761
A soggy day in the heart of the Palouse today. This is the view from our front step. That is Pullman out... there!

Location: 46.724254,-117.164336
The suction birdfeeder off our "dining room". Today the tweeties, most all sparrows are swarming. They love the seed combination and in the span of two days devour the contents of this feeder. It seems to work well, and the squirrels have ignored it.

Location: 46.724385,-117.164384
Living on campus, we maintain a box down at the main Post Office here in town. Today I'm out running errands, one of which includes picking-up the mail

Location: 46.719741,-117.18421

Among the activities I really enjoy is feeding the local birds. These are my two feeders posted just outside our "dining" room window. I have one more, affixed with suction cups to one of the dining room windows. The feeder on the right, is an experiment. The squirrels have invaded. They empty a feeder in a few short hours, and chase away the birds. So this square version is a "squirrel proof" model. That we shall see!

Location: 46.724485,-117.164362

Wednesday, November 03, 2010

Done with lap swim, now sitting in the hot tub for a few minutes. At the WSU Student Recreation Center.

Location: 46.737676,-117.154046
At home, at my desk, contemplating WSU or Boston University! WSU is a Master of Arts program, requires a year of foreign language, as well as the GRE for admission. BU, is a Master of Science, no foreign language requirement, no GRE, about a third more expensive, and an all on-line course schedule. "Done in 20 months"

Location: 46.724291,-117.164480
Swimming laps at the WSU Student Recreation Center pool. I'm in the lane closest to the outside (on the left in this view)

Location: 46.737194,-117.153821
Me and the American Kestrel, "Everett"

I've joined the WSU Raptor Club, so today I'm over about ready for my first "handling session" with one of the club raptors. Pretty happy about this, and filled with anticipation, too.

Location: 46.72786,-117.15795
At home, working on Statistics

Location: 46.724322,-117.164489

Out on Brown Road between Pullman and Moscow seeking Raptors. While there were indeed some out here, I didn't find any close enough to capture any good shots, however here are a couple... worth sharing, taken right here!

Location: 46.698121,-117.085869
At my desk, working on some "pressing" matter I'm sure! A significant amount of time is spent here, working on my photos, the Statistics class, writing or generally exploring the news on the various news webpages. I subscribe to the Wall Street Journal, New York Times, Denver Post, Moscow-Pullman Daily News, however there are dozens I explore daily.

Location: 46.724310,-117.164509
Working on Statistics, the Open Learning Initiative course, at my desk at home.

Location: 46.724384,-117.164413