Wednesday, December 18, 2019

It has been a very long time between posts! We now reside on the Pacific, central Oregon coast - in those condos off in the distance.

Wednesday, February 02, 2011

Sorry about yesterday's post. I loaded that Acorn Woodpecker last, and the system put it first. I'm not sufficiently "blogger" proficient to be able to fix it. So, just imagine that Woodpecker being at the bottom, not the top!

Today, we are at Pat & Gene's in Ventura, California. Having a very nice time exploring the area where all our Strawberries come from.

Location: 34.268780,-119.221045

Tuesday, February 01, 2011

That's our Hertz rental car, the red one, in front of us. We're in Gene and Pat's new Subaru Forrester about to take a road trip. Gene at 84 still does a great job, thankfully, driving. We're headed to Ojai... exploring.

Location: 34.258807,-119.207137

A "bonus" shot from later in the day. My (our) very first sighting of Acorn Woodpeckers. A new bird for our "life list"
Aboard Southwest Airlines Flight #598 to Oakland, now in Portland. Our day started early at home, then drove to Spokane's airport, parked the truck, boarded the plane, and here we are! On our way to visit Diane's parents in Ventura, Ca. Niece Kathryn, and the rest of Diane's California family for the "holiday". We both realize they have not that many years left with us, and we've not spent many holidays with her side of the family, thus this trip.

Pleasant, as always, these Southwest Airlines flights.

My journal (electronic) entry for the day:

Early morning, up at 5:15, left the house @ 7:40 for Spokane Airport. Spokane to Los Angeles, via Portland & Oakland on Southwest Airlines. With an hour delay out of Oakland. Up to Diane's parents @ 8:00 pm for dinner. Staying at the Hampton Inn Chanel Islands Harbor. Dead tired, good night!

Location: 45.590177,-122.598176
Our dining room, see the tweetie feeders?

Location: 46.724302,-117.164435
Our dining room, that "favorite" breakfast/brunch has now came to be known as "Egg McNelson's". We're about to sit down to the meal. Just outside each window are our bird feeders. We are able to share the meal, while watching the tweeties enjoy their meal at the same time.

Location: 46.724384,-117.164538
Having Sunday brunch at our favorite eatery on the campus of WSU, well, "food service" eatery I should add, "Hillside Cafe".

Location: 46.732371,-117.166809
In our "dining room" having one of our favorite meals for breakfast/brunch. It is an English Muffin (toasted), two strips of bacon, two eggs (scrambled), topped with some cheese (Cheddar for Diane, Swiss for me).

Location: 46.724302,-117.164435

Friday, December 10, 2010

"Traffic jam" such as it is on the campus of WSU at noon. This Stadium Way, up on the left is one of the Stephenson Towers, one of three dormitories housing primarily first year students.

Location: 46.727346,-117.164943
What comes to mind "watching snow melt!" However here in the office, about to head out and see Everett.

Location: 46.724302,-117.164435
Hanging around the office, contemplating a photo expedition to Almota this afternoon in the NIMS (Whitman County Emergency Services) cancels my scheduled training this Saturday.

Location: 46.724318,-117.164408

Tuesday, December 07, 2010

At the office, at home working on the NIMS (National Incident Management System) materials for the upcoming course on Saturday. Just learned the course is in limbo, so may not be taking it until January. Also just received an "altert" for the ARC (American Red Cross) on availability for a impending disaster (a flood) over on the West side of WA. Tough timing!

Location: 46.724270,-117.164410
Walking across Stadium Way on one of four "over-walks" on the campus of WSU. Headed to meet Diane for lunch at Hillside Cafe, WSU Food Services cafeteria across campus. Chinese today!

Location: 46.72867,-117.16138

Sunday, December 05, 2010

This is the view from our "Master Bedroom" out to the city of Pullman. Of course, being the "only" bedroom makes it much easier to be selected as the "Master" bedroom!

Location: 46.724335,-117.164621
Lap swim at the Student Recreation Center. I'm using the middle lane today. Wonderful!

Location: 46.737186,-117.154263

Contemplating where to head out and capture some photographs. At the moment responding to posts on a favorite photograph sharing site of mine:

Location: 46.724240,-117.164548

My day for some grocery shopping. This the produce section of our brand new Wal-Mart. We have a daily fruit bowl, which I make. Bananas, Cuties, Strawberries, Blueberries, grapes, some apple. Occasionally some melon & or raspberries.

Location: 46.712151,-117.175556
At home taking photos of tweeties. This an American Goldfinch, out our office window.

Location: 46.72421 -117.16423
In the conference room at the Inland Northwest Chapter of the American Red Cross, Spokane, Washington. Going over the paperwork and my training reviews/exams with Bob Reimer a volunteer who handles all the transportation vehicles for the ARC in our chapter. This just prior to taking the driving portion of my certification course.

Location: 47.673602 -117.41682

Finishing up the Food Handling Safety course, by the American Red Cross.

Location: 46.723858,-117.164129
Taking pictures of the tweeties as they perch to eat the conifer seeds, and descend upon the feeders I've set up below for them. The most prevalent are House & Tree Sparrows, Dark-eyed Junco, Pine Siskin, with some Goldfinch, Black-capped Chickadee, and White & Red Breasted Nuthatch. This, a hobby I enjoy immensely.

Location: 46.723858,-117.164129
In the kitchen making brunch, Pancake sandwiches. Yummy!

Location: 46.723858,-117.164129
Studying the American Red Cross self-study course on Handling Food Safety, a pre-requisite for ERV certification.

Location: 46.724334,-117.164411
Hiding in the corner, out our back door, in an attempt to capture shots of the little tweeties in-flight as they come in to our feeders.

An unsuccessful effort!

Location: 46.724199,-117.164359
At home, studying the Emergency Response Vehicle (ERV) self-study training course, to become certified by the American Red Cross to dive the ERV.

Location: 46.724339,-117.164492
Thanksgiving grocery shopping in the local Safeway store. Searching, to no avail for Acini Pepe pasta for a salad (very yummy) which Diane makes for the holiday feast.

Location: 46.716077 -117.17801
At the CUB, in Starbucks having a latte with Diane.

Location: 46.731005,-117.162664
At home, reading a book on Journal Writing. Something I've become very diligent at maintaining, since we headed out for our first adventure on the island of St. Croix.

Location: 46.724231,-117.164342
Along with Diane attending a Grant Writing seminar in the Smith Center for Undergraduate Education (CUE)

Location: 46.729872,-117.162035
At home contemplating a new "project". Analytically digesting "Nikon D90 for Dummies"

We shall see!

Location: 46.72421 -117.16423

Out exploring the Palouse. Along Almota road, just above the Port of Whitman along the Snake River. A barge loading station for Wheat produced throughout our area. Wonderful expedition, to say the least!

Location:46.70372 -117.46717

As an added bonus, here is what I'd pulled off the road to photograph:
At home

Location: 46.724221,-117.164341
Walking with Diane toward her office in Todd Hall. I peeled off at the corner and headed over to the Vet Hospital. My first solo handling session ("weathering") with the WSU Raptor Club's American Kestrel.

Location: 46.726662,-117.165228
Fixing us brunch, Egg, Bacon, Cheese on a toasted English Muffin. We've been quite happy with this combination.

Location: 46.72421 -117.16423
At home in front of the computer, writing, and working on my photos.

Location: 46.72421 -117.16423
Today at the Lewis Alumni Center attending an "Ethics in the new Economy" seminar. This is put on by WSU, and is geared toward the Attorneys, who get CLE (Continuing Legal Education) for attending. Interesting to hear the "experts" spin on ethics, and the government imposition on their craft in an attempt to get them to adhere to standards of practice for which they already take an "oath" to uphold. In my view, Abraham Lincoln had it about correct, instead in this country it is: Democracy of the lawyers, by the lawyers, for the lawyers. The rest of us are mere pawns for the perpetuation of their livelihood!

Oh, and it was a very well constructed and presented conference.

Location: 46.730691,-117.154324
Although I'm home at the computer, it is a nice, eventful day. Veteran's Day. I went up to the CUB (Compton Student Union) to volunteer with the American Red Cross for today's WSU Veteran's Day ceremony. We owe a lot to our Veterans, and I often wonder how many of us really, I mean "really" appreciate what they've laid on the line for us? It is a day I always call my Son to thank him for his service, and make sure Craig knows, too that I very much appreciate their prior military service.

God Bless America

Location: 46.724323,-117.164395
Swimming laps over at the University Recreation Center. An outstanding facility and perfect lap pool. I'm in the lane closest to this camera today. I "swim" for 40 minutes. I don't keep track of the number of laps, but the stroke is the side-stroke, which it seems I can do endlessly. Takes me about 12 ~ 14 stokes to make it a length of the pool.

Location: 46.737059 -117.15407

Monday, November 29, 2010

Even though I seem to be growing hair everywhere but on the top of my head, it still is necessary about ever 5 weeks to head down to the Barber Shop. This is about a mile from our abode. I walk down. Great walk, actually.

Location: 46.729597,-117.177251
One of the things I'm exploring is heading back to school to obtain my Masters. Today I'm down at the Terrell Library studying Statistics. I've signed up for an on-line course. It is easiest for me to be at the library to absorb the material.

Location: 46.731044,-117.163761
A soggy day in the heart of the Palouse today. This is the view from our front step. That is Pullman out... there!

Location: 46.724254,-117.164336
The suction birdfeeder off our "dining room". Today the tweeties, most all sparrows are swarming. They love the seed combination and in the span of two days devour the contents of this feeder. It seems to work well, and the squirrels have ignored it.

Location: 46.724385,-117.164384
Living on campus, we maintain a box down at the main Post Office here in town. Today I'm out running errands, one of which includes picking-up the mail

Location: 46.719741,-117.18421

Among the activities I really enjoy is feeding the local birds. These are my two feeders posted just outside our "dining" room window. I have one more, affixed with suction cups to one of the dining room windows. The feeder on the right, is an experiment. The squirrels have invaded. They empty a feeder in a few short hours, and chase away the birds. So this square version is a "squirrel proof" model. That we shall see!

Location: 46.724485,-117.164362