Monday, October 25, 2010

My day to be domestic, the laundry and general housekeeping stuff. Also just returned from the local chapter office of the American Red Cross, which had their first Disaster Action Team deployment to a house fire yesterday where funds and aid was given. As the newly trained Financial and Statistical (FSI) volunteer, I "proofed" the paperwork for our files.

This is the view out the front of our campus apartment.

Location: 46.724307,-117.164506
Headed toward Moses Lake on I-90 in SE Washington state. We are headed to explore Moses Lake, and the Drumheller Channeled Scablands of central Washington in and around the Columbia National Wildlife Refuge, and Potholes Reservoir. This particular portion of Washington looks a lot like wheat country in western South Dakota, perhaps a bit flatter (less hilly).

Location: 47.086413,-118.777599
I'm up in the Inland Northwest Chapter of the American Red Cross in Spokane taking their Financial and Statistical Information Management course (FSI). Learning to be an American Red Cross number cruncher at a national Disaster Response (DR) center. It is an interesting course, which will allow me to do some office work out on a disaster sight, and crunch some numbers which seems to be my forte

Location: 47.673647,-117.416948
So today I'm home at my desk sorting out the possibilities, between Washington State University's program, and Boston University's program. At the moment I'm very much leaning toward the Boston program. No GRE, No year of foreign language are big plusses. A decision is looming!

Location: 46.724294,-117.164459
The colors are about to start on the hillside, this is the view from the front of our abode here on campus. Today, I'm home reading.

Location: 46.724294,-117.164459
Today, home watching the tweeties at the feeders. That one in the back is the one that the squirrel frequents. The red one is yet to be found by the tweeties. I'm hopeful they will start once it gets chilly outside

Location: 46.724401,-117.164353
Our daily fruit bowl

Location: 46.724294,-117.164440
Domestic day for me, doing the laundry!

Location: 46.724359,-117.164372
At home working at my desk, in our office. Our abode is located in Yakama Village on the campus of Washington State University. We have an open view in front of our townhouse, this view, is out back.

Location: 46.724285,-117.164450
We made it over to the Student Recreation Center for a workout today, it was the machines today. It is a fantastic facility, which I love spending time at.

Location: 46.737103,-117.15371
Today I'm devouring this book from the WSU Terrell Library. Its Author, Gregory A. Pasco was a colleague of mine and my Supervisor for a time during my tenure in Rapid City. It is a good read for a textbook, and one I couldn't seem to put down until done. Well done, Greg!

Location: 46.724311,-117.164459

Back down to the Neill Library reading the Wall Street Journal and a few other newspapers

Location: 46.730976,-117.180451
Upon my return from the photo and exploration trip down the Snake River to Clarkston, Wa and Lewiston Idaho, when I attempted to fire-up my MacBook Pro, it was dead! So, I scheduled a time with an "Apple Genius" at the Spokane Apple Store, for ASAP. Today is just that, in Apple parlance, ASAP. I've left off the MacBook with the dead "mother board" and now I'm exploring Spokane a bit. One of my favorite places to explore are map stores. This is Spokane's. I scored a Whitman County Road map/atlas on this stop.

Location: 47.658392,-117.262985

Today finds me exploring the Snake River near Wawawai County Park which is the photo on the right. I came down to see either some river transportation (river barge traffic) or to determine if any of the migratory birds might be found. Neither! But I was treated to some spectacular views none-the-less.

Location: 46.63435 -117.37849
Today I walked downtown, then came back to the campus and did some exploring. This is amongst the oldest buildings on campus, the Thompson Building, a beauty!

Location: 46.730456,-117.168682
Today I met Diane after her classes at the WSU Food Services "Hilltop Cafe" for brunch. Although we have a cafeteria closer, this particular one is much more to our liking.

Location: 46.732333,-117.166887
Dan, from Spokane instructing the "Bulk Distribution" American Red Cross Class that I'm attending. Rich and Brenda are attending it with me. This adds to my capabilities should I be called out on an American Red Cross Disaster Response, nationally. It was a good, and informative class.

Location: 46.729771,-117.176876
Ok, getting a lot better with this "pet peeve" crap! So at various places around campus there are newspaper bins offering up the current day's edition of the Spokane Review, New York Times, and the U.S.A. Today. So Diane either grabs some (she loves working the crosswords) on her way back from class, or I wonder up the hill a bit, fetch some, and come back to absorb their contents. Today, we're having breakfast, along with our "paper-hour'. Credit goes to Diane for this photo of me sitting in our "dining room"

Location: 46.724367,-117.164453
One of the "pet peeves" I've developed while living on the campus of Washington State University, and visiting its Library is the lack of "morning" news! The Terrell Library on campus is oblivious to the concept "morning paper"! Some days they don't even get out the current day's editions, and never before 1 pm. So I walk down to the Pullman Public Library; the Neill Library, which does put out morning papers, and read the Wall Street Journal and other local papers. It's a nice walk, just at a mile, and a nice, quiet, yet busy Library. This is the view from my "reading station"!

Location: 46.730966,-117.180381
One of the things I've enjoyed in retirement, whether here, in the mountains or back in the Caribbean has been feeding the birds. This, not being a "bird" has become very accustomed to the feeding routine. Once started with this "mommy" squirrel, I didn't want to stop until it hibernates. She does have little ones. She's fun to have around, almost tame, but still very much wild and cautious.

Location: 46.724399,-117.164450

Tuesday, October 05, 2010

Neill Public Library in Pullman, reading the current version of the Wall Street Journal. I've tried to do this at our library here on the campus of WSU, however they are very remiss in putting these out in a timely fashion, some days they don't make it out at all. So, gained a library card today, and read "today's" edition! A very nice library, small, but bright and well tended.

Location: 46.731220,-117.179910

Monday, October 04, 2010

My day to be domestic, doing the laundry... about done!

At home

Location: 46.724510,-117.164305

Sunday, October 03, 2010

At my desk today, working on this blog, my photos and some stories. It is a rainy, well more like drizzly day, and cool here in the Palouse. Not a good day to be out with the camera exploring. I can listen to the rain, and hear the tweeties out my open window, so this is a very pleasant place to spend time. Diane is home today, studying, so that makes it extra special to be here, today, with her.

Location: 46.724331,-117.164443
Attending American Red Cross sponsored Adult & Child CPR/AED, with First Aid course. I've attended dozens of these over the years, even have been certified as an instructor for these courses in the past. Today, a refreshing and very well run refresher course for me. I'm a Disaster Action Team and Shelter volunteer with the American Red Cross.

Location: 46.729159,-117.176555
Over at the local Chevy dealership, Chapman & Taylor getting the oil changed on our '08 Silverado, 82,000 miles. First oil change since we've taken up residence in the Palouse. I walked around the lot, aka Adult Toyland while the shop worked the pickup over. Interesting time here. The waiting room, like all waiting rooms had a blaring television. One other person was in the room, waiting as was I. She did not seem interested in our noisy companion so I asked "Do you mind if I shut that thing off?" "No, not a problem with me" she replied. Then, remarkable as it seems the two of us sat there, had a conversation! Seems almost unreal in this day and age. Two total strangers.

After a while another younger person came in to join us. When I asked if she would have any problem leaving the TV off, while she seemed surprised at my question, responded "I don't watch much anyway" Again, as unbelievable as it sounds, she joined in our conversation. The three of us sat in that room, sans the blaring television and chatted like neighbors! Refreshing!

Location: 46.716004,-117.180662
At my desk, in the office of our WSU campus townhouse. Presently editing photos.

Location: 46.724346,-117.164420
At my desk, working on photographs and writing stories from my past. A productive day, thus far.

Location: 46.724371,-117.164416

Spent the morning being domestic, and now just headed out to Turnbull National Wildlife Refuge up by Cheney, Washington, in Whitman County.

Location: 46.724268,-117.164763

Oh, what the heck, here are two shots from later in the day, shot on my sojourn & back from Turnbull:

Up on the WSU campus, waiting for Diane to get out of class, then headed off to lunch, and some time in the Library.

This at the CUE (Smith Center for Undergraduate Education)

Location: 46.729831,-117.162372